14649 Victory Blvd, #21, Van Nuys, CA, (818) 905-1515
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Endodontics and Endodontists represent the branch of dentistry that deals with the canal of the root of the tooth, and subsequently the tooth pulp symptoms and treatment. The diseased root canal causes a span of toothache symptoms, from subtle to throbbing, to severe.

Toothache treatment is achieved in our office in a single visit in most cases by performing the root canal treatment. Dr. Shashaty has an extensive clinical experience in providing root canal treatment, treatment is done after effective local anesthesia is achieved, then the removal of affected nerve could be performed without feeling any pain. Many people describe their experience of the root canal procedure as a painless.

We realize how debilitating toothache can be and we attempt to start the root canal treatment for patients experiencing toothache on an urgent basis. Furthermore, we know how nervous some people get about dental work, especially a root canal. So, you'll get gentle care dentistry and often painless from a team with a great understanding.
A root canal in our office doesn't mean hours of discomfort and numerous return visits. Using the latest technology and anesthetics, we perform root canals quickly, mostly in just one visit, and virtually painlessly. You may even decide you like dentists after all.

If you asked yourself: why am I having such pain? or why do I need to have a root canal? Toothache and infection of the teeth happen when the tooth nerve "the pulp" or the jaw bone get exposed to the infection caused by the bacteria. The common route of access for the bacteria to cause such dental infection and toothache is cavities or tooth decay. By this route the bacteria penetrates the tooth defense lines of the enamel and dentin and reaches the root canal.
Pain could become severe and debilitating if it passes through an acute stage. This could take place when the balance between the body and the infection shifts, either when the body is weaker or simply when the infection gets stronger. So if you have mild symptoms, or you are having a throbbing toothache or pain at night, avoid going through a dental emergency, get access to dental care promptly. You can call us early to reserve an emergency appointment or use the online appointment request anytime, we will try to find the earliest possible time to treat your condition.
Toothache and dental pain vary widely in its manifestation in each individual and each tooth, but generally it passes through stages that some of it might have more or less pain or duration.  This is a summary of these stages:




Reversible Pulpitis Tooth is sensitive to cold.  Pain disappears when the triggering factor is removed. Removing decay, restoring tooth structure.
Irreversible Pulpitis Tooth sensitivity remains after the triggering factor is removed.  Or pain could be spontaneous, happening without a triggering factor such as throbbing pain at night. Root Canal Treatment. Sleeping on high pillows might temporarily work as a remedy to reduce toothache usually aggravated by increased blood flow from low head position.
Periapical Infection Tooth becomes tender for bite pressure.  At this stage the bacterial infection has traveled through the root canal and reached the jaw bone surrounding the tooth. Root Canal Treatment. Cold packs on the face might help to temporarily alleviate pain.
Abcess / Swelling Bacterial infection spreads to the tissue around the jaw bone and causes a swelling, which will have general systemic reactions and implications. Antibiotics.  Possibly Root Canal Treatment and possibly extraction

What is Root Canal treatment?

  • Every tooth has a pulp inside which is a regular tissue, but is unique by residing in an small and hard chamber which makes nerve endings perceive pain when pressure rises.

  • The tiny orifice of the small chamber limits the source of blood supply, and hinder the healing ability, and makes it an easy target for inflammation and infection

  • Anterior teeth have one canal only, premolars have one or two, molars have three or four.

  • The root canal treatment aims to the complete removal of the affected tissue and the hermetic seal of the pulp space, with the consideration of the healing progress at the apex of the root.

Why a Root Canal treatment?

  • When the pulp gets affected by decay or trauma the inflammation / infection process increases blood flow in an attempt from the body to repair the tissue, the confined space may turn the increased blood flow into a pressure on the nerve endings, which generates the pain.

  • Pain may become throbbing and very strong especially at night, can be spontaneous or triggered by cold and hot. Stopping the pain becomes an urgent matter, and root canal treatment and appropriate restoration are needed to save the tooth.

  • In the case of a slowly progressing decay, the bacteria may conquer the poorly defended pulp space and travel through the apex of the tooth without producing symptoms, and form an abscess, which is a true infection of the jaws, it can become a bad surprise and may burst into a strong pain, swelling, fever, root canal treatment may save the tooth if the abscess is minimal and the healing ability of the body is adequate, or extraction might become indicated.

  • After removing the pulp tissue, the canal can be washed and dried and then obturated with a rubbery plastic material that will be sealed with a biocompatible cement. All this is preferably performed in a single visit session.

Risks and complicating factors:

Many factors determine the treatment difficulty and eventually the chances for the treatment success vary depending on many factors that determine the case prognosis:

  • The spread of the infection into the pulp and the bone of the jaw.

  • High bone density making it more difficult to depict details through X-Rays.

  • The Pulp shape may make the treatment more difficult when is curved, narrow, long, blocked, calcified, or branching into small additional canals.

  • Posterior teeth have more numerous canals and require a greater mouth opening to be reached, individuals vary in their ability to open their mouth.

  • Some systemic medical conditions hinder the healing process.

  • The chances of the tooth to serve for a long time also depends on other factors like the amount of jaw bone holding the tooth, the integrity of the adjacent and opposite teeth.

  • The root canal treatment is usually safe and effective. Even in the event of a difficult situation additional efforts can be made to bring the result to an acceptable condition free of symptoms.

  • Once treatment is completed the tooth will have excellent chance of remaining for a lifetime.

    The information contained in this website is for general awareness and information, and may not describe your case precisely, clinical examination is needed to determine diagnosis and prognosis.


This Patient presented with a mobile front tooth and an underlying bony abscess, she thought the tooth will need extraction. However, the root canal treatment was the treatment of choice.

The tooth healed completely as shown in the postoperative X-Ray that confirms a complete healing of the bone and an excellent success of the root canal treatment.

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